Surviving COVID-19: Eight New Normal Must-Haves

The new normal is something we are all still getting used to. Some of us can’t help but feel anxious and overwhelmed with everything that is going on. This makes us wonder how things would be now that we return to work.

As businesses slowly reopen and we move on to a General Community Quarantine (GCQ) in Metro Manila, it is important for us to not let our guard down. We must remember that we still have to regularly sanitize and follow social distancing wherever we go. 

Here is a list of 8 new normal must-haves to help us adapt and bounce back:

Travel Size Disinfectants

Disinfectants such as alcohol, sanitary wipes, and a portable UV light are important things to carry around with you at all times. These help keep yourself and your workspace clean. A quick sanitation of your space every once in a while could help appease your mind – allowing you to focus better on your work at hand. You can find alcohol and sanitary wipes in local convenience/drug stores and you could order your own pocket sterilizer from UV Care here.

Face Mask

Face masks should be worn at all times when outside of your own home. It not only protects yourself from others, but also the people around you from yourself. Since the explosion of the Taal volcano, the demand for these has only gone up. Hospital grade face masks are scarce and should be left for the frontliners. You could buy reusable face masks that are made of other materials, or you could even choose to make your own out of clothes that aren’t being used anymore! The Center of Disease Control (CDC) made a guideline for making your own cloth face mask. Just make sure to wash the mask frequently. 

Face Shield

Face shields are similar to face masks that protect your face from any germs or bacteria that might reach it, whether airborne or by touch. According to the CDC, the cover of the face shield must extend below the chin and to the ears laterally. These are more available compared to face masks as they are much easier to produce. Another good thing is that they are super easy to clean. Just wipe them down with some soap and water, and you should be good to go! Learn how to make your own face shield with this tutorial from Preview!

Supplements and Vitamins

It’s important we keep our bodies healthy during these times! Prepare a medicinal travel bag  and fill it up with medicines such as antihistamine, loperamide, biogesic, and the like. Don’t forget to drink your vitamins as well to boost your immune system! You could use supplements such as daily vitamins and vitamin C tablets, like Berroca, to make sure you are reaching the recommended dosage. These can also be found at local convenience and drug stores.

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Stay safe, hydrated, and lessen waste all at the same time? With the new normal, it is important to carry your own tumbler so you don’t have to use common mugs or cups in the office. When buying drinks outside, you could also have them fill up your tumbler instead of a disposable cup! For a bigger cause, check out the Lakbawayan tumbler from The Bamboo Company. Every purchase of this product helps in the preservation and protection of marine life.

Personal Cutlery

When in the office, given the circumstances, it is important to bring your own cutlery for lunch to avoid sharing common utensils with other coworkers. Check out Caewayan for reusable and eco-friendly cutlery!

Rubber Shoes

Now is the time to remain completely covered and protected from the virus. For those who tend to wear sandals and flip flops, you may need to set them aside for the meantime especially if you commute daily. Rubber shoes would also come in handy in case you may need to walk a few kilometers given the difficulties in finding public transportation.

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If you have the budget for it, and work is not that far from your home, it would be a good idea to invest in a bicycle or a scooter! This way, not only would you save on transportation costs and lessen your carbon footprint, but you’d also avoid the crowd and difficulties of a daily commute. Bambike has a wide selection you could choose from and each purchase also gives back to the communities of Gawad Kalinga. If you are working with a tighter budget, places like Cartimar have cheaper options as well!

It is up to us to flatten the curve and these little things could just be the difference in allowing businesses to bounce back and operate in the new normal. Remember that keeping yourself safe helps keep others safe.

If you are looking for a safe place to work, schedule a tour with us via Or hit us up if you want to learn more about our space and the safety precautions we are taking in creating a safe working environment for our community! Make sure to keep in mind these must-haves when you drop by! 

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