Hybrid working brings the best of both worlds between working remotely and in the office, which makes it the ideal work arrangement moving forward.
The pandemic has changed the way we work, and we now have an idea of how work will be as we progress in the new normal. The use of flexible workspaces amidst a global pandemic inspired the hybrid workplace model. With the hybrid workplace model, companies and employees maintain the flexibility to adapt to different situations.
What is the hybrid workplace model?
The hybrid workplace model combines office and remote work into one. Some days are spent in the office, while other days employees have the freedom to work from home or elsewhere. According to the Accenture Future of Work Study 2021, 83% of more than 9,000 workers globally prefer a hybrid model. Doing so provides several benefits to both the employees and the company.
The Future of Office Survey by Asia Pacific states that almost 47% of businesses are planning to implement policies that support office-based work with the option to work from home. Despite allowing days to work from home, companies would still prefer that employees work from the office on most days while working remotely for a day or two in a week’s span. Moreover, a smaller crowd in the office means a business can move to a smaller and more flexible office space.
There are days when individuals work better when they’re surrounded by coworkers, and there are also days better spent isolated to focus on your own tasks. This is why businesses have decided to adopt both. Having employees report to the office helps build strong relationships between coworkers through better communication and collaboration while also eliminating the feeling of isolation. Allotting days for remote work not only helps individuals create a better work-life balance, but it could also help boost overall productivity. If you want to learn more about the benefits of hybrid working, check out our past article here!
Shifting to hybrid working requires businesses to reinvent different processes from the inside out, but now that we have a much better understanding of remote work, we can find a way to implement this new work model effectively. Though shifting is very promising, there are several things that need to be discussed internally to ensure that the new way of work creates a positive impact, such as office schedules and communication strategies. This will also include revisiting your company’s real estate strategy where it might be better for your business to make use of a coworking space rather than investing in an entire office space.
If your business is making the transition to hybrid working, we have a workspace solution for you! Whether you’re setting up a satellite office or looking to downsize your office space, we have different services that cater to different workspace needs. To learn more, just send us an email at connect@acceler8.com or visit our website here!